Help our child, Mr. President!
Help our child, Mr. President!
We, Miraliyev Mirzakhid and Miraliyeva Muyassar, on behalf of the Miraliyev family, first of all, through this appeal, congratulate you and the people of our new Uzbekistan with the new year 2024, and we ask Allah to bless the coming year for the well-being of our people and the development of our country. . We wish you strength, good health, enthusiasm, and good luck in your work for the development of our country. Always be in the service of our people and in the eyes of God.
As parents who have been in the service of their people, brought up their children with honest sustenance, and are living according to God’s command, we have decided to present this request to you. It is difficult to express our happiness at that time when you shook the hand of our son Oybek Miraliyev Mirzakhidovich and wished him good luck in his business career. We hope that those moments will return again. We believe that our son Miraliyev Oybekjon will again serve our country and people honestly, conscientiously and faithfully under your policy and management, by God’s will.
As fate would have it, our son Miraliyev Oybekjon was sentenced on July 9, 2020 by the Sergeli District Court of Tashkent city in criminal cases under Article 168, Part 4, Clause “a”, Article 228, Part 2, “a, b” of the Civil Code. paragraphs, Article 166, Part 4, Clause “a”, Article 274, Part 2, Clause “a”, and according to Article 59 of the Criminal Code, he was sentenced to 11 years and 6 months of imprisonment appointed.
According to the decision of the appellate instance of the Tashkent city court on criminal cases dated October 27, 2020, the court sentence was changed and the defendant was removed from the charge of Article 166, part 4, paragraph “a” of the Criminal Code, and Article 168, part 4, paragraph “a” of the Criminal Code , Article 228, Part 2, Clauses “a, b”, Article 274, Part 2, Clause “a”, imprisonment for 11 years was imposed.
Our son has been serving his sentence since September 23, 2019 in the Penitentiary No. 2, located in Shaikhali fortress, Karshi city, Kashkadarya region. On June 23, 2022, after serving 4/1 of the sentence stipulated by the court verdict, Article 113 of the Penal Code was applied to him and he was to be transferred to the penal colony. However, the court refused to transfer him to the address colony due to the fact that the disciplinary punishment of “warning” was applied to him for violating the rules of internal procedure of JIEM No. 2.
Currently, our son Miraliyev Oybek has completed 51 months of the 11 years (132 months) sentence imposed on him by the court verdict. However, due to the violation of the internal rules of JIEM No. 2, Article 74 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan was not applied to him. z loses power.
On December 25, 2023, when I, Miraliyev Mirzakhid, and my eldest son Miraliyev Ulug’bek met and talked with my son Miraliyev Oybek at JIEM No. 2, Oybek was in a very bad mood, I asked him, “Why are you not in a good mood?” When I asked “glim”, Aybek told me that he realized the consequences of his unknowingly socially dangerous actions, that he had re-educated himself, that he deeply regretted it and that he could not return to our family because of the disorder he had committed in the colony. “He was thinking about it at night and he was very sorry for the consequences of the crime committed in addition to it,” he promised, God willing, that he will not make these mistakes when he is released after complying with all the internal rules of the colony, God willing.
Since he did not have the opportunity, my son asks me, first of all: in repentance to Allah, from you and our people, from the people who suffered through him, their family members, who suffered due to his socially dangerous act, and his family asked them to forgive him and expressed remorse. After our conversation at this meeting, my wife Miraliyeva Muyassar and I dared to address you as the head of our country.
Until 2016, our son managed a large poultry enterprise located in the Navoi region at an exemplary level, which caught your attention and created more than 300 jobs and provided employment to the local population. He equipped the enterprise with modern laboratory equipment and provided valuable power to the demand of our people for poultry eggs.
As we mentioned above, your motivation and your trust in him have been giving our son confidence and strength for the future, so even though my son Oybek is serving his sentence, his parents and family have a healthy mind. At the same time, he does not forget his work and entrepreneurship, and he is compensating the material damages caused to the victims as much as possible with his family.
Citizens recognized as victims by the court in a criminal case:
The material damage in the amount of 200,000 US dollars caused to Sh. Abbaskho’jayev, the material damage in the amount of 550,000 US dollars caused to G. Kamalova was fully covered, and the representative of “Frewar Investment LTD” victim in the criminal case, K. Gulamov, has fully recovered from his claims. gave up. Damage in the amount of 200,000 US dollars to the civil plaintiff in the criminal case, Ravshan Gafarov, was fully compensated. In the criminal case, the compensation of the damage caused to the victim L. Rahimova, and most of the damage has been covered, continues continuously. Nevertheless, I am fully confident that the part of this loss that has not been covered will soon be covered by foreign investor friends, and that he has completely recovered and realized his mistakes, Mr. Yurtbashi.
There is a proverb in our people: “A bowed head cannot be cut by a sword.” After our meeting with Oybek, I am sure that he truly regrets before Allah, his people, the president, and his parents. and the head of JIEM No. 2 under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Lt. Col. Jamshid Suvanov, removed the disciplinary punishment applied to our son, even if it was a day earlier, and applied a humanitarian deed against him to make the punishment lighter. we filed a motion to replace with
The whites of our eyes are the core of our fruit. My grandchildren, Aybek’s children, Mirali-Arslon, are teenagers. A student of the graduating class of school No. 71 in Tashkent city. Parenting is very important for a teenage child. It is very important for him to be in the house of our son Aibek so that he becomes a mature boy ready to serve our country and people.
Another child of Aybek, Temurkhan, studies in the 8th grade of the same school. A businessman like his father, the school has all the conditions for him to become a worthy son of you and our country, all the conditions are there for his education and acquisition of knowledge, but the role of the father in the family is burning their hearts. Our youngest grandson, Zelimkhan, is one of the country’s great-grandsons, whom you always talk about with admiration. He is an excellent student of the “Wunderkind” school, a talented child who knows several foreign languages. He is also disappointed because of his father. Our daughter-in-law, Gozal Khan, has been trying with willpower and patience to not let her father’s place in her children’s upbringing face to face with these difficult tests of fate.
Dear President, I have learned from my many years of life experience that the Lord of creation tests his beloved servants who have faith in their hearts, so that they always remember Allah, apologize to Him more, get rid of their sins, and continuously repent. . These tests are a test given not only to our son Aybekjon, but also to our whole family. As they say that there is a wisdom in every work, these tests are not in vain. If a person passes the given tests in a reasonable way, with a strong will, with good behavior and faith, at the end of the test, he will cause his angels in the form of his servants to give him his unprecedented reward. As a father, I feel with all my heart that there are only a few days left for our son Aibekkhan to be rewarded with freedom for his repentance and for his patience and faith in the trials he has been given. I believe that he will serve our people with his beautiful behavior before God, you, his people, and his brothers and sisters, and he will make our face bright by having a deep understanding of the nature of his actions.
Dear Shavkat Miromonovich!
The main meaning of this appeal is that, as parents, we hope that our child will return to our family sooner, first of all, that you forgive him and give him a chance, even if it is a small one, to take his place in society. We ask you to give us the opportunity to serve our people, our Motherland, and actively participate in the reforms that you are conducting.
Sincerely, the parents of Miraliyev Oybek Mirzakhidovich:
Mirzahid Miraliyev
Muyassar Miraliyeva
Yunusabad district of Tashkent city
At 86 Ghairati Street