How did they deceive us?
How did they deceive us?
On November 3, 2023, Deputy Prosecutor General S. Artikova and Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court I. Muslimov announced that A. Masharipov and A. Kuryazov, who committed sexual violence against girls from an orphanage in Khorezm, were sentenced to 3 years in prison.
It seems that the public protest was ended and the rule of law was ensured. At that time, the adults of our legal system had a “small” episode.
In other words, pedophiles are sent to a colony, not to prison. Moreover, the time they spent at home since the first trial was deducted from the sentence.
Our judges are so cunning that they convinced the public that “pedophiles will spend 3 years in prison.” In fact, they stay in the destination colony for more than 2 years, they use all the conditions there.
We have shouted so much in vain. Pedophiles, if we spent the time we talked about the crimes of pedophilia to learn, we would have bitten the core of the proverbs: “The sultan does not insult the bone”, “The crow does not pry the eye of the crow”.
I have the verdict, but I cannot publish the details because the court is closed. The law will work against me if I divulge information because I don’t work for Justice…